This is a new track by Thalie Nemesis that was remixed by Les Modules Étranges earlier this year.
But then we decided it's gonna be the first track of a new full lenght EP (5 track by the time I'm writing this) that we are currently recording.
The general mood of the track is more orientalish and tribalish & somewhat electronics-wise oriented... herm, well, words really suck to describe our work precisely but, well, just have a listen to the track above and then you may have an accurate idea of how the whole things gonna sound like.
Hope you guys will like it, the main idea behind that EP is to kinda move along from the basic goth-goth-goth habits we both know maybe a little bit too much to be further more excited about it.
I'm not sure you gonna hear any difference because well, it's not gonna be happy neither easy listening like. but it's the kind of stuff that we want to do right now.
Love, Osiris