official answer from Les Modules Etranges to Bruno Patatas. PLEASE SHARE THIS

You can read Bruno's article at the end of our answer

Here's the official answer from Les Modules Etranges to Bruno Patatas. PLEASE SHARE THIS
Fact by Fact :

1/Actually, we never were a Pray Silence Records band because we never received our signed contract back from Bruno... He told us it was lost in the mail (just like Der Klinke's and In Loving Memory's). We never got the scans by e-mail either (anyway it's not worth anything here in France).

2/Studio : Bruno's first answer to us asking for 1500€ was « oh it's not expensive for a studio » and then when I sent the final quotes (which were 1500€ indeed) he told me it needed to be discussed with his « staff ». No problem with that... (we needed the answer by february to confirm with the studio). We sent Bruno 80% of the demos of the upcoming album because the rest wasn't recorded... Bruno seemed thrilled... He didn't ask for more... If he had doubts why didn't he ask us?

3/About the fraud suspicions : it was two weeks ago it started. We found out that at least two bands from the label sampler didn't get their part of cds (Pray Silence contracts are a 60/40% agreements... 60% cds for the label, 40% for the band) and Bruno answered that he didn't even have his personal copies... YET, the compilation was already being sold on his website.... So he is selling something he doesn't have??? And Der Klinke received mails from some of their fans who bought the sampler but never received it (just like our contracts... maybe lost in the mail).
When Der Klinke asked Bruno for an answer, he said «  I have many friends who have the compilation, I'm hurt that you think I'm not doing things right blablabla »... No real proof huh?
That and the « pixelbox » fraud case in 2007 (first link in google when typing Bruno Patatas)... We started to worry...
So we started to investigate and here's what we found out
-Der Klinke's album was supposedly in manufacturing but YET the artwork wasn't finished... HOW is that possible? (for our last two albums, we had to send the album master and the artwork at the same time)

-Pray Silence Festival is supposedly in partnership with Turism Office of Lisboa but YET they've never been in contact with Bruno or any Pray Silence member... Bruno's answer to this was « I know the president of the Turism Office »... Well this president apparently forgot to inform his team about the partnership....

-Bruno claimed that he had signed a partnership with Fontana Park Hotel in Lisboa for the bands and the djs in the festival... I called them and asked if there were any reservation of the 28th of august (the day we were supposed to play) : no Les Modules Etranges, no Bruno Patatas, no Pray Silence anything... Actually NOTHING, just one guy's name (non-related to Pray Silence or any band) for the day....

-Silent Day is not appearing on Teatro Sao Luiz's program... I called them... They didn't know about it.

-Bruno was fired from Nightbreed Records/Radio after (among other things I don't know) promising worldwide satellite covering for the radio and of course, not being able to do this (lol).

-We were supposed to tour in Europe with Der Klinke, In Loving Memory, The Spiritual Bat and THE EDEN HOUSE as headliners two weeks before the festival... That seemed pretty impossible... More like a touring festival: 5 bands!! Of which at least 3 pretty unknown....

4/Confrontation with Bruno : After a week of investigation, it was about time to confront Bruno with everything we found out hoping for good answers. We told him that we would believe him if it all was a big mistake and he would have our total support if he could give us the proofs because we were really worried... We first asked very politely... But he kept avoiding to answer... Saying he was hurt and not giving proofs... We got tired of this and asked for proofs firmly... Yet no proofs... The day after we were fired...

5/About insulting Richard Pyne-in-the-ass from Uberbyte : This guy is an arrogant pig... BOTTOM LINE.

6/ Bruno Patascam facebook profile : not a hate profile... But good teasing... Well we'd rather laugh about all this then cry... The most important about this is that we share our story...
I will also add that other fake humourous denonciatory profiles exist : Prey Silence and Bruno Patascam on twitter (we're not responsible for them)... Check them out... A lot of fun too.



8/We would like to thank our audience, and the people who follow us. We love you all (yes we're hippies lol) and this is just another sad story in the music business... The great goth'n'roll swindle...

To end this : a song we wrote in 2009 that is sadly familiar now

Bruno original article:

In November 2010 a post-punk band from Nantes, France, approached me wanting to sign with Pray Silence Records. All seemed relatively well and we decided to move forward. Since then till last week we did everything that was at our reach to support them and we contacted several promoters for upcoming gigs.

A couple of weeks ago, they decided they wanted to book a studio to record their upcoming album. Fine by me. They come up with a quote of 1500 euros. Our reply was that that is a matter that needs to be discussed. You're talking about investing money recording an album of which I didn't knew what the tracks line-up would be and only got advanced demos of a couple of songs. Mainly, I knew nothing about the album and their future plans as a band. How they wanted to evolve, what would be their strategy... things that a band should tell the record label before asking for money. But they wanted a reply fast.

Last week, they discovered the links about me on the internet that almost everyone who is in the scene must have already saw a few times. Then they thought they could use that as a business argument. In private conversations, basically they implied that or we did things on their way or they would make those links public. Since I don't deal well with threats, I took them out of Pray Silence Records. At the same time one of the members of this so-called band started sending insulting emails to a member of other Pray Silence Records band.

So, after they being pulled of from my label, they started attacking me personally and last night they performed the most vicious attack that I have ever seen against me on facebook and even at They are becoming "friends" with people here on fb and sending those links. As they said: They want to take me to Hell!! But, as a famous quote says: Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.
So, while they are doing their worst, we continue doing our best. If you don't agree with my path, walk another one and leave me alone. I'm not here to please everybody and mainly i'm not here to be the sugar daddy of music bands. If they say that for me music is a business, well... that's because it is! It's called music industry for some reason. And when they asked for us to pay the recording studio, that would be business. Probably on their minds they thought that would be a personal gift, i don't know...
Now, they even created a fake profile: - If you can, please report the page as impersonation of my profile. Thank you so much.
And they talk about childish? All this has already been reported to Facebook.

And this is the story that I wanted to share with you all. Probably you have already been sent an email from them. If not, probably you will receive it soon. End of story.
